Especificamente em Angola, 18,8 milhões teriam sido pagos a representantes da empresa, que justificaram os gastos como “uma viatura, um imóvel, seguros de saúde e despesas lares”. Outros 22,7 milhões teriam sido justificados como gastos em viagens de trabalho e estudo para autoridades angolanas, não identificadas.
SBM Offshore is recruiting a Operations Unit Manager, to be based in Luanda or Brazil, Angola. Duties. Establish effective client liaison and ensure continuous and good working relationship is maintained at all times; Responsible for the performance and compliance …
Em uma escala mais ampla, a SBM tem ajudado a contribuir para a base de conhecimento do sector de petróleo e gás de Angola, e complementa a educação formal adquirida pelos alunos no prestigioso Instituto Nacional do Petróleo (INP) de Angola, na vizinha Sumbe. Maximizando o conteúdo angolano
A empresa holandesa SBM Offshore admitiu ontem, em comunicado, ter pago, directa ou indirectamente, USD 22,7 milhões de comissões a funcionários do governo angolano. ... USD 18,8 milhões foram pagos em Angola. Na Guiné Equatorial o valor foi de USD 22,7 milhões.
We market LNG produced by the Angola LNG liquefaction plant (13.6%), primarily on the spot market. Through Total Eren, in which we have a stake of almost 30% (direct and indirect), we are working on the development of solar and wind projects connected to the grid, as well as with industrial and mining customers under contract. long-term purchase of competitive low-carbon electricity.
OPS affiliate company, SBM Offshore Group, start to operate in December 1999 the first deep-water FPSO in Angola, in Block 14 for CABGOG. In 2003, OPS – Serviços de Produção de Petróleos, Limited, a joint-venture, was created by a joint effort from Sonangol and SBM Offshore, with main objective to operate the FPSO's fleet in Angola.
A SBM é acusada de pagar propina em troca de contratos com a estatal brasileira, e o caso está sendo investigado pelo Ministério Público Federal no Rio de Janeiro. Em dezembro de 2015, o então ministro-chefe da CGU, Valdir Simão , confirmou as negociações para assinatura do acordo de leniência. [ 3 ]
Change-out of floating hoses BW and SBM Buoys, Total E&P Congo, Djeno Terminal (Congo) Installation of sea water lift hoses N’Goma FPSO, SBM, B15-06 (Angola) Change-out operations, on-site inspections and maintenance, in compliance with IMCA recommendations. STAPEM Offshore - Oil & Marine Hose Services. Related links. Assets > Hoses yards
Fundado em 2012, o GRUPO SBM atua desde a concepção e estruturação do negócio ao seu financiamento e execução, sendo formado pelas empresas SBM Participações, PROSPEC Consultoria e Desenvolvimento de Negócios e MONT BLANC Engenharia e Construções.. Atua em diversos segmentos, tais como Engenharia e Construção, Indústria, Agronegócio e Capacitação de Líderes …
OPS affiliate company, SBM Offshore Group, start to operate in December 1999 the first deep-water FPSO in Angola, in Block 14 for CABGOG. In 2003, OPS – Serviços de Produção de Petróleos, Limited, a joint-venture, was created by a joint effort from Sonangol and SBM Offshore, with main objective to operate the FPSO's fleet in Angola.
By MarEx 18:15:15. SBM Offshore, the Netherlands-based company specializing in the manufacture and design of offshore oil drilling equipment, and its wholly owned U.S. subsidiary, SBM Offshore USA Inc., have agreed to resolve criminal charges and pay a criminal penalty of $238 million in connection with schemes involving the bribery of foreign officials in Brazil, Angola, Equatorial ...
History OPS affiliate company, SBM Offshore Group, start to operate in December 1999 the first deep-water FPSO in Angola, in Block 14 for CABGOG. In 2003, OPS – Serviços de Produção de Petróleos, Limited, a joint-venture, was created by a joint effort from Sonangol and SBM Offshore, with main objective to operate the FPSO's fleet in Angola.
A SBM tinha afirmado em 2012 que estava a investigar supostos subornos feitos por entidades da companhia a entidades no Brasil, Angola e Guiné Equatorial. Num comunicado ontem divulgado, a empresa disse que uma investigação interna não encontrou provas de subornos no Brasil, mas encontrou provas que representantes em Angola e na Guiné ...
• Assignment as Interim Operations Engineer on SBM Angola shorebase. • Casually substitution of Planning Engineer on planning demands, vendor support and people on board (POB) control and lookahead; • Assistance for Regulatory and HSSE department on offshore audits and action plans follow-up and execution;
Modec, Saipem and SBM Offshore are expected to bid for the two converted FPSO s proposed by Total and its partners, ExxonMobil, Marathon, Sonangol and Galp for the development of the Kaombo offshore project in Angola. Angola, on the western coast of Africa, is one the strategic countries to support the future growth of Total.
Leased by Eni Angola S.p.A (eni) for 12 years for the development of Block 15/06, offshore Angola, FPSO Xikomba is jointly owned by SBM Offshore and Sociedade Nacional de Combustíveis de.. Operated by Total E&P Angola, the project lies on Block 32 in 1,400-2,000 m of water about 260 km offshore Total SA has started up production of the Kaombo ...
SBM Offshore in Brazil. Angola A similar, social economic impact assessment was started in 2015. SBM Offshore has been present in Angola for over a decade both with offshore and onshore operations through its participation in the Paenal yard. The analysis remains in the preliminary phases and the results are expected in 2016.
SBM Offshore N.V.'s securities cannot be offered or sold in the United States without registration under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or pursuant to an exemption from such registration. SBM Offshore N.V. has not registered, and does not intend to register, any of its securities under the Securities Act or to conduct a ...
SBM have awarded EM&I’s Cathodic Protection division a contract to provide two systems in Angola for the Mondo and Saxi Batuque FPSOs Detailed design studies have already started and will be followed up by onshore trials and offshore data gathering by EM&I specialist teams in the coming months.
ALLSTARS BTT ANGOLA - New VIDEO available!!! FPSO Mondo. FPSO Saxi. The OPS Luanda office serves as both a shore base, contact point for local suppliers and a sales office. The FPSO Fleet in Angola is comprised of 4 FPSOs. These vessels are operated …
Angola deepwater blocks ExxonMobil has interest in three deepwater blocks covering nearly 2 million gross acres in Angola. These blocks contain world-class development opportunities and have a gross recoverable resource potential of approximately 10 billion oil-equivalent barrels.
• Assistance to the installation of Oil Loading Terminal, CLOV, SBM, Angola, B17 • Installation of cable wires NKOSSA FPU, TOTAL E&P CONGO, Congo, Nkossa • Free span corrections, TOTAL E&P CONGO, Congo, Terminal Djeno • Replacement of valves TLP A platform, EEAL, Angola, B15
Foi na Funda, que aconteceu a 2º Etapa do Btt All Stars Angola.Uma prova onde esteve muito calor, mas que nem por isso desencorajou os participantes. Com um record de inscrições, esta foi uma prova que mostra que o BTT em Angola, veio para ficar!
Visualize o perfil de Jean Philippe Rodrigues no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. Jean Philippe tem 2 empregos no perfil. Visualize o perfil completo no LinkedIn e descubra as conexões de Jean Philippe e as vagas em empresas similares.
SBM Offshore believes the oceans will provide the world with safe, sustainable and affordable energy for generations to come. We share our experience to make it happen. Take part in a world-class, diverse, and talented team committed to responsible business conduct and see where the future takes you.
70% of national personnel in Angola and in Congo. Increasing the local content is a key component of our recruitment policy. 1 099 510 work man-hours Loss Time Incident free. A major safety milestone for STAPEM Offshore. It’s a confirmation of successful efforts, from everybody, at any moment