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Pre-Columbian stone sphere, located at the University of Costa Rica as a symbol of tradition and ancient wisdom. Stone spheres of the Diquís exhibited at Museo del Jade . Scientific research in the alluvial plain, particularly on United Fruit Company properties, began in the 1940s with the work of Doris Zemurray Stone and Samuel Lothrop.
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The stone spheres of Costa Rica are an assortment of over 300 petrospheres in Costa Rica, on the Diquís Delta and on Isla del Caño.Locally, they are also known as bolas de piedra (literally stone balls).The spheres are commonly attributed to the extinct Diquís culture, and they are sometimes referred to as the Diquís Spheres.They are the best-known stone sculptures of the Isthmo-Colombian ...
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Jun 27, 2019· Type O mortar mix has relatively low compressive strength, at only about 350 psi. It is used primarily interior, above-grade, non-load–bearing walls. Type O can be used as an alternative to Type N for some interior applications, but its exterior use is limited due to its low structural capacity.
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