BritaMed Inc. is an importer and distributor of leading medical devices, aimed for physicians, health care professionals and health care facilities. Located at the heart of Vancouver, British Columbia, Britamed is 100% Canadian owned and operated company, licensed and regulated by Health Canada.
That’s where Britegums ® comes in. Our patented pinkening™ process is the long-awaited solution to discolored gum tissue. By using revolutionary technology to remove dark gum tissue, Britegums ® is able to reveal a patient’s pink gums without forcing them through a painful procedure that procures only temporary results.
BritaMed is the exclusive Canadian distributor of A.R.C. Laser GmbH, Admedus USA, and Xoran Technologies: A.R.C. Laser GmbH – World leader in medical lasers for over 22 years with state of the art solutions, offering the largest surgical lasers selection available from any laser company.